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 UDI Lead Designer

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permaculture [pur-muk-kuhl-cher]: noun.
A system of design that seeks to mimic
the structure of ecosystems to create
resilient and regenerative gardens,
homes, farms, and communities.

Articles by Jessica Roder Robertson

Green Living. Leafy wonders of spring foraging: A delicious look at wild edibles

Green Living. Grow Your Own Healing Herbs: How to start your own apothecary garden


Jessica Robertson is a regular contributor for EcoParent Magazine, a national Canadian quarterly! EcoParent is a quarterly magazine for families that want to make healthier,
greener lifestyle choices. Fun and inspirational in tone – and never
Spring 2015. Sowing Class page 1, page 2

Winter 2014. Shout out for Sprouts

Fall 2014. The Hardest Plants to Kill

Summer 2014. Build a Fairy Garden!

Spring 2014. Serenity in a Garden

Winter 2013. For The Growing Enthusiast

Fall 2013. Build a Bee House this Autumn

Summer 2013. Happy Human = Happy Gardener

Spring 2013. Grow Your Own Healing Herbs, My Hometown Hero

Winter 2012. Living Plants for the Holidays

Fall 2012. Edible Schoolyards

Summer 2012. Great Edible Adventures


Wild Craft Permaculture in the News

Fanshawe Radio 106.9 The X. 2014. A Yummy Walk on the Wild Side

Metro News. July 2, 2014. The London forest you can really sink your teeth into

Cottage Life. Eating invasive plants at the cottage

London Free Press. July 25, 2013. Jessica Roder Robertson helps Londoners connect to the natural environment by ­designing gardens that mimic an ecosystem and are self-sustaining

London Community News. April 22, 2013. London students take aim at 'food desert'

London Free Press. April 22, 2013. Students pick up after litterbugs on Earth Day

Metro News. April 21, 2013. London neighbourhood launches fruit guild, expands food forest

London Free Press. November 25, 2011. Food the currency at swap event

Fanshawe College, Applied Sustainability: Sustainable Landscapes. Interview with Jessica Robertson of Wild Craft Permaculture